nLite recognises that data is one of the most valuable
assets to a company. Specialising in backup and recovery, nLite
can provide the tools you need to protect your vital data.
Using our portfolio of products, nLite can:
nLite will work with you to create a design that suits
your backup requirements from simple to complex.
No matter the size of your environment, a good design is always vital.
nLite can create a design for your company irrespective of how
many servers you need to protect.
nLite can accommodate sites ranging from just 2 servers, through to 1000+ servers.
nLite cover the whole range of backup implementations, whether it is:
- Backup directly to Tape
- Backup to Disk (with or without deduplication), then copy to Tape
- Using point-in-time snapshots to make copies at a later date
- Replicating your data to then backup the replica